Archive December 2008
So You're Unemployed. Now What? Part 2 of 2It's been a while since I posted a blog entry. Sorry! But, I've been
busy hopping about and helping companies match up talented employees
with the right company. This job market is highly competitive, which
is a good thing for the companies we work with. But if you're one of
the recently laid-off or otherwise newly unemployed, it can be a
daunting time to look for a job.
Start by reading my most recent blog entry, which outlines what your
first steps should be. This entry will cover the following weeks and
possibly months of unemployment.
So, we've already covered Day One, and Week One… but now what?
The First Month
Now is not the time for major home-improvement projects, or for
catching up on your favorite soap-operas. You do have a job, even if
you are unemployed, and that job is: FINDING A JOB. Wake each day as
if you are being paid and evaluated on your performance at this task. Create a routine – Devote regular hours to regular tasks. The temptation to get off track can be powerful, and one way to stay focused is to set regular hours for your job search. Allow yourself time for lunches and surfing the web, so you won't be distracted or tempted during your "working hours". Self-improvement 101 – After scouring the want ads, networking and sending out resumes, you'll probably still have some time on your hands. Now is the perfect time to round out your skill sets. Your local public library and community education departments offer many low-cost options for skilled trades, language, business and software programs. And you'll be meeting new people, which can always lead to a networking possibility. Resist the part-time temptation – Though you may have the opportunity to sign on to a part time gig in a relatively short time, this may thwart your unemployment benefits, and reduce the amount of time you can devote to your job search. Unless the part time work is directly related to your career, or offers unbelievable benefits and opportunity for advancement, it's probably not worth it. Stay positive – This might be especially challenging in these economic times. So turn off the news and get some exercise instead. Look to the support of friends and family, or a church counselor if applicable. Eat well, avoid alcohol and remember, this really is a temporary situation. posted by TonyPogo at 12/8/2008 | 0 comments |
So You're Unemployed. What Now? Part 2 of 2It's been a while since I posted a blog entry. Sorry! But, I've been
busy hopping about and helping company's match up talented employees
with the right company. This job market is highly competitive, which
is a good thing for the companies we work with. But if you're one of
the recently laid-off or otherwise newly unemployed, it can be a
daunting time to look for a job.
Start by reading my most recent blog entry, which outlines what your
first steps should be. This entry will cover the following weeks and
possibly months of unemployment.
So, we've already covered Day One, and Week One… but now what?
The First Month
Now is not the time for major home-improvement projects, or for
catching up on your favorite soap-operas. You do have a job, even if
you are unemployed, and that job is: FINDING A JOB. Wake each day as
if you are being paid and evaluated on your performance at this task. Create a routine – Devote regular hours to regular tasks. The temptation to get off track can be powerful, and one way to stay focused is to set regular hours for your job search. Allow yourself time for lunches and surfing the web, so you won't be distracted or tempted during your "working hours". Self-improvement 101 – After scouring the want ads, networking and sending out resumes, you'll probably still have some time on your hands. Now is the perfect time to round out your skill sets. Your local public library and community education departments offer many low-cost options for skilled trades, language, business and software programs. And you'll be meeting new people, which can always lead to a networking possibility. Resist the part-time temptation – Though you may have the opportunity to sign on to a part time gig in a relatively short time, this may thwart your unemployment benefits, and reduce the amount of time you can devote to your job search. Unless the part time work is directly related to your career, or offers unbelievable benefits and opportunity for advancement, it's probably not worth it. Stay positive – This might be especially challenging in these economic times. So turn off the news and get some exercise instead. Look to the support of friends and family, or a church counselor if applicable. Eat well, avoid alcohol and remember, this really is a temporary situation. posted by TonyPogo at 12/8/2008 | 0 comments |
So You're Unemployed. What Now? Part 2 of 2It's been a while since I posted a blog entry. Sorry! But, I've been
busy hopping about and helping companies match up talented employees
with the right company. This job market is highly competitive, which
is a good thing for the companies we work with. But if you're one of
the recently laid-off or otherwise newly unemployed, it can be a
daunting time to look for a job.
Start by reading my most recent blog entry, which outlines what your
first steps should be. This entry will cover the following weeks and
possibly months of unemployment.
So, we've already covered Day One, and Week One… but now what?
The First Month
Now is not the time for major home-improvement projects, or for
catching up on your favorite soap-operas. You do have a job, even if
you are unemployed, and that job is: FINDING A JOB. Wake each day as
if you are being paid and evaluated on your performance at this task. Create a routine – Devote regular hours to regular tasks. The temptation to get off track can be powerful, and one way to stay focused is to set regular hours for your job search. Allow yourself time for lunches and surfing the web, so you won't be distracted or tempted during your "working hours". Self-improvement 101 – After scouring the want ads, networking and sending out resumes, you'll probably still have some time on your hands. Now is the perfect time to round out your skill sets. Your local public library and community education departments offer many low-cost options for skilled trades, language, business and software programs. And you'll be meeting new people, which can always lead to a networking possibility. Resist the part-time temptation – Though you may have the opportunity to sign on to a part time gig in a relatively short time, this may thwart your unemployment benefits, and reduce the amount of time you can devote to your job search. Unless the part time work is directly related to your career, or offers unbelievable benefits and opportunity for advancement, it's probably not worth it. Stay positive – This might be especially challenging in these economic times. So turn off the news and get some exercise instead. Look to the support of friends and family, or a church counselor if applicable. Eat well, avoid alcohol and remember, this really is a temporary situation. posted by TonyPogo at 12/8/2008 | 0 comments |